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How to Safely Partition Your Hard disk

In this post I will tell you how to successfully partition your hard disk in Windows without getting your system crashed. Last week I've tried to expand my partition and my PC got crashed. As it was my new laptop I have a Windows 8 Single Language edition and I've done 3 simple partitions earlier. I have tried to create another partition using a third party partition manager keeping in mind to install Windows 8 Pro along side with Windows 8 Single Language. I have done the partition and they prompted me to restart the system.
I've gone for the restart button and it get processed and for a half an hour I've got nothing from the system, and it showing only 'Restarting'. After a long wait my PC got crashed. I've got a dialog box showing 'Your system need to Repair'. I have forced shut down the system and restarted it again. Again it straight gone the repair option.  I have tried all the ways to get back to the system and nothing worth saving. Then at last I called Dell customer support and they directed me different ways to restart the system and all the works have became in vain and at last they sent me the DVD of original version of Windows 8. I've got that DVD after 1 and a half day and I tried to overwrite the previous version. Then I got information that it cant be installed because the disk type is something different. So I again called the Dell Support for help and they directed me to fully format the hard disk and unallocate the whole space available in my hard disk and then directed to install by creating new partition. So without having any other option I've decided to format my hard disk. Before that I have recovered my files through a live Ubuntu CD using the 'Test Mode' option  (I will give a tutorial on 'how to take data using test mode in Linux' later). 

This is my story and why I am telling you this is to avoid unwanted system crashes and losing your data. So first of all before you thinking of any system partitioning, keep doing it using the normal 'create and format hard disk partitions' which is in built in Windows. If you are trying to modify the OS drive say C drive in most computers, you have to choose another partition managers viz. Easues Partition Manager because normally Windows not allow the modification of OS partition.

Ok and before doing any partitions or any modifications go to de-fragmentation option which is available in the Windows.

To go to de-fragmentation:


What is actually here doing is just arranging the contents in the drive to a corner. The files may be stored in different places in the hard disk. So in my case i have not done defragmentation and this caused the system files stored in different places get displaced from the actual position or the files may got corrupted.

So to avoid this situation, just defragment the drive and then you are safe to modify or create a new partition in your hard disk. In the defragmentation option we can analyse the amount of space which is fragmented.

So before every modifications on the partitions just do this and keep your data safe.

God bless you.


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