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Google Cached Link: Helps to view the previous version/look of your site

Want to see the previous version/look of your site/blog in its original form? The previous version means the color  graphics, templates, flash contents and all the so called things before you changed it to new form. Google have the answer. They stores your site/blog in their servers. They are called cached pages in Google.
You can find the cached page and cached time of your page by searching your page in Google. Just search your site in Google, below your site result there is a green arrow pointing downwards and just click on that and you will find 'cached' link and click on that link.
Now you will be directed to your old page which the Google was cached.

Cached pages are pages which are saved by Google in its servers about a page time to time. This is done when Google robots last
visit your site for the new things. The web crawlers will take snapshots of each pages of your website and there is more advantages in this because even if the current page is down or is not available, Google will show your site/blog with that old backup'd page.

Here is my site and I've changed my blog template last week and added some other things and Google just take the snapshot of the previous one.
Here is the link of mu cached site:

If you want to see the cached page of your site/blog you can view by clicking on below link. 
Before that just add your site name at the XXXX part.

[link] -


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