Until now you can print a 2D image of something using a printer or others. But now it is possible for one to make any object in 3 dimensional view using a printer manufactured by Cubify™.From the first view it drew loads of crowds at CES. More than the crowds, more than the fun look of it, the company made a great effort in creating such like one for the past 25 years. It allows one to essentially manufacture a design as a prototype and with minimal waste makes it more efficient than other. The printer is actually geared toward kids. Rajeev Kulkarni, VP and General Manager of 3D Systems, the creator of Cubify, told that they're really aiming these at 8 to 10-year-olds to make their own toys, science projects, crafts and more. Essentially, they're making it exciting for the next generation of designers and engineers.
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